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2024 Resolutions
A list of Resolutions adopted by Oklahoma PTA
Cellular Phone Usage in SchoolsCellular Phone Usage in Schools Whereas, OKPTA supports enhancing the education environment, improve student academic performance, and ensure student safety; and (Read More)
Address and Reduce Chronic Absenteeism in Oklahoma SchoolsWhereas, OKPTA supports policies that enhance student academic performance, increase graduation rates, and improve overall student well-being; and Whereas, Chronic absenteeism, defined as missing 10% or more school days, severely affects student academic performance and increases the likelihood of dropping out. Research by Attendance Works indicates that students who are chronically absent in kindergarten and first grade are less likely to read proficiently by third grade; and (Read More)
What is advocacy?Advocacy is arguing in favor of something, such as a cause, idea, or policy. One can engage in advocacy by meeting with a legislator on an important issue, writing an editorial for a newspaper, raising awareness for a cause at a PTA or community event, or even promoting an issue while having dinner with friends.
Does advocacy require special training?No. Every PTA member can be an effective advocate for children. The best way to begin is to become active in your local PTA school unit.
What does Oklahoma PTA advocate for?Oklahoma PTA leaders study state and local education issues carefully, and Oklahoma PTA has supported several major priorities and positions designed to improve schools, education, and care for all children throughout Oklahoma. Local units and councils of Oklahoma PTA also work on issues that are specific to their local schools. For all current PTA resolutions check out
Does Oklahoma PTA advocate for children?In many ways. Every day, Oklahoma PTA members advocate for children in schools, before local government agencies like school boards and county commissions, the state legislature in Oklahoma City, and the federal government in Washington. Every Oklahoma PTA member can find a place to advocate for children.
Can Oklahoma PTA & its local units and councils ask candidates about education issues during election campaigns?Yes. Oklahoma PTA and its local units and councils may invite candidates to meetings where they can be questioned on issues, and where they can explain their own educational goals, but Oklahoma PTA and its local units and councils never support or endorse individual candidates for public office. If an event is planned, Oklahoma PTA and its local units and councils should invite all candidates running for the office or offices. Oklahoma PTA members, of course, are completely free to participate in election campaigns as individuals.
Can you explain ESSA? (Every Student Succeeds Act)ESSA provides a unique opportunity for parents and families to give input on their children’s educational experience, and strengthen parent are family engagement. As school districts and schools implement this new federal education law to improve outcomes for every student, National PTA believes parents should have a seat at the table when decisions are made—and districts and schools should work with parents and families as partners throughout the school year. The Parent and Family Guide to Local Implementation of ESSA
What are the Oklahoma PTA's current calls to action?For all current call to action visit voter voice.

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