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Bylaws & Standing Rules

General Information

Local units and councils are required to report Unit/Council officer information to the Oklahoma PTA state office immediately following elections, by adding new officers to their unit's Givebacks site. This must be done no later than October 31st following standard elections to remain in good standing. Any time a new officer is elected, the Oklahoma PTA office should be notified through Givebacks.


Givebacks serves as Oklahoma PTA’s primary way to update all mailing lists for information that is to be distributed to leadership and/or general membership.


Oklahoma PTA Bylaws

OKPTA State Bylaws (amended 6/17/23)


Council Bylaws

OKPTA Council Bylaws (amended 4/16/16)

OKPTA Council Standing Rules


Unit Bylaws

OKPTA Uniform Unit Bylaws (amended 4/13/19) 

OKPTA Unit Standing Rules (amended 4/16/16)



Plan of Work

Photos For Websites (37).png
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